Friday, February 6, 2009

Family Structure

The Family Structure Of The Talwar’s

In my family structure the family is like a democratic family. We vote for some big decision and we also have a discussion for our family needs and how we are doing financially and how I’m studying. My dad is the head of the family but we treat ourselves equally in the house and give everybody equal amount of freedom. Whenever we need to make a big decision we work together to solve the problems for the family. My father separates for a little time for us to think about we just talked about and then solve the problems. We don’t really have duties like a job for a certain day but whenever we get a duty we do it immediately if its really important. To solve problems in our family my father gives us 3 best choices of the problems and we all choose one and vote but never since we started we never got different answers. The family tree for us looks something looks like this:
1. Head of the Family the trunk in a tree- My dad Raman Talwar
2. The branches of the tree- My mom Neelam Talwar
3. The leaves of the tree- Me Siddhant Talwar

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