Monday, December 1, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Final Draft of How to speech



Hi there everybody!! Don’t you like chocolate? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I’m here to show you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. Your mouth will water a lot, but just try to keep yourself patient.

Now I will show you how to make a chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make, but I know what to do. I’ll do this in a very scientific way recognizing the ingredients, utensils and the big part the method.

Get all ingredients which are-


Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie

The Utensils you need are-


Spoons and

Method- These are the steps to make the Chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae.

1.  We take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl. Keep the ice cream in the freezer and until the ice-cream gets cold.

2.  You take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes like chocolate syrup. You melt it by putting the chocolate in the steel bowl and turning the temperature hot.

3. If you buy some Chocó pies which look something like this and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe and a little difference in the taste because people always eat some brownie’s or add gems.

   4.  Then take all those 3 things (pieces of Chocó- pies, the chocolate syrup and ice-cream) and mix them (but not like put everything on top of the ice-cream).


5. We first take the chocolate syrup put the whole thing (but leave some) on top of the vanilla ice cream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate pies.



Now you’re done with your Chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae, but don’t think you can’t add any more toppings you can add anything you want to this recipe, which is closely related to attractive looking and related to chocolate. That’s my favorite dish for desert, so you can surely join me for this chocolaty desert. But first now does everybody know how to make a chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae? And I am sure you’ll enjoy this delicious meal with me. Now lets EATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!

Thank you


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hi there!!!!!! Does everybody like chocolate here? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I am here to show you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. Your mouth will water a lot, but just try to keep yourself patient.

Well, now comes the big part. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make, but I know what to do so here I go!!!!

Get all ingredients which are-

Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie

The Utensils you need are-
Spoons and


1. Now we take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl
2. Keep the ice cream in the freezer and until the ice-cream gets cold you take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes chocolate syrup. You melt it by putting the chocolate in steel bowl and turning the temperature hot.
3. I’ll buy some Chocó pies and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe and a little difference in the taste because people always eat
4. Then take all those 3 things (pieces of Chocó- pies, the chocolate syrup and ice-cream) and mix them (but not like put everything on top of the ice-cream).We first take the chocolate syrup put the whole thing (but leave some) on top of the vanilla ice cream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate pies.

Now you’re done with your Chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae, but don’t think you can’t add any more topping you can add anything you want to this recipe, which is closely related to attractive looking and related to chocolate.That’s my favorite dish for desert, so you can surely join me for this chocolaty desert. But first now does everybody know how to make a chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae? And I am sure you’ll enjoy this delicious meal with me.

Thank you

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Revised Draft


Hi there!!!!!! Everybody like’s chocolate here don’t they? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I am here to present to you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. You’ll get hyper but just try to keep yourself patient.

Well, now comes the big part. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make, but I know what to do so here I go!!!!

1. Get all ingredients which are-

Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie
Spoons and

The Utensils you need are-


Spoons and


2. Now we take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl.

3. Keep the ice-cream in the freezer and until the ice-cream gets cold you take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes chocolate syrup. You melt it by putting the chocolate in steel bowl and turning the temperature hot.

4. I’ll buy some Chocó pies and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe and a little difference in the taste because people always eat

5. Then take all those 3 things (pieces of Chocó- pies, the chocolate syrup and ice-cream) and mix them ( but not like put everything on top of the ice-cream).We first take the chocolate syrup put the whole thing (but leave some) on top of the vanilla ice cream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate pies.

Now you’re done with your Chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae, but don’t think you can’t add any more topping you can add anything you want to this recipe which is closely related to attractive looking and related to chocolate.

That’s my favorite dish for desert, so you can surely join me for this chocolaty desert. But first now does everybody know how to make a chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae? And I am sure you’ll enjoy this delicious meal with me.

Thank you


Monday, November 24, 2008

Rough draft of HTS


Hi there!!!!!! Everybody like’s chocolate here don’t they? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I am here to present to you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. You’ll get hyper but just try to keep yourself patient.

Well, now comes the big part. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make, but I know what to do so here I go!!!!

1. Get all ingredients which are-

Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie
Spoons and

2. Now we take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl.

3. Keep that in the refrigerator and until that is there you take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes chocolate syrup.

4. I’ll buy some Chocó pies and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe.

5. Then take all those 3 things and mix them. I take the chocolate syrup put the whole thing (but leave some) on top of the vanilla ice cream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate pies.

Now your done with your Chocolate pie vanilla ice-crem sundae, but don’t think you can’t add any more topping you can add anything you want to this recipe which is closely related to attractive looking and related to chocolate.

That’s my favorite dish for desert ,so you can surely join me for this chocolaty desert. But first now does everybody know how to make a chocolate pie vanilla ice-cream sundae? And I am sure you’ll enjoy this delicious meal with me.

Thank you

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rough Draft

Hi there!!!!!! Everybody like’s chocolate here don’t they? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I am here to present to you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. You’ll get hyper but just try to keep yourself patient.

Well, now comes the big part. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make this dish, but I know what to do so here I go!!!!
1. Get all ingredients which are- plates
Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie
Spoons and
2. Now we take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl.

3. Keep that in the refrigerator and until that is there you take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes chocolate syrup.

4. I’ll buy some Chocó pies and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe.

5. Then take all those 3 things and mix them. I take chocolate syrup put the whole thing on top of the vanilla icecream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate.

Rough Draft

Hi there!!!!!! Everybody like’s chocolate here don’t they? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lips, because I am here to present to you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. Just wait and watch what happens to your tongue after this speech. You’ll get hyper but just try to keep yourself patient.

Well, now comes the big part. This is a dish I don’t even know how to make this dish, but I know what to do so here I go!!!!
1. Get all ingredients which are- plates
Vanilla ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Chocó Pie
Spoons and
2. Now we take the vanilla ice cream and put 2 big chunks in the bowl.

3. Keep that in the refrigerator and until that is there you take your milk chocolate and melt it so that it becomes chocolate syrup.

4. I’ll buy some Chocó pies and take a knife to divide them into fourths so that I can give a little design to my recipe.

5. Then take all those 3 things and mix them. I take chocolate syrup put the whole thing on top of the vanilla icecream and then put the pieces of pies on top of the chocolate and put more syrup on top of the chocolate.


Hp is a big hardware industry and it is sold in lots of countries.Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Israel, Middle East, Australia, China,  India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,

 Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab, Emirates, United Kingdom, Peru, Puerto Rico, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean,

 Central America, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Africa, and  South Africa

Siddhant Talwar



 The Struggle for a Career

It all started in 1981, November the 28th in Delhi the capital of the famous country of India. It was a festive day of light called Diwali. The festival when one of our gods came back from living in the forest after 14 years. They celebrated his come back with lights and crackers. Well, that day a boy named Raman woke up in the age of 17 and got scared because of the noise of those loud fireworks and crackers. Raman wanted to travel a lot of places around the globe. He couldn’t travel because of his financial limitations. The people at that time didn’t have that much freedom to travel so easily. They had to be the age of 20 to get a passport and travel at that time and now. He did not like that rule because it was useless of him to wait only for 2 more years, but the passion of traveling was their already.

 This person was smart with his mind usage. He tried out to be in Foreign Service for India, so that he can travel anywhere in the world. He was a person who never backed down to what he had to reach. He was a person who determined for his goal even if his family would deny or refuse him to. If they did not want him to study in the house, he would walk by himself to a park 2km away from his house only to study for his exams. His parents would say “you’re waking up at the morning 5 o’clock just for that stupid thing of yours.” I have been listening to his stories and I was so inspired from this person that I feel like doing the same. He worked hard and hard until the day came for him to put all those efforts in for the test or the qualification. He was nervous being the youngest person there. He told me people were actually way prepared than, he was and he would not even reach 800th place between 1000 people. There is this phrase I remember I think matches with this part. It is “FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE.” You may be wondering why I chose this phrase. This is because he was this type of person who always looked at his task and not anything else (not even his family). Look what his result was he was 4th between thousands and thousands of people. That’s what you get if you work that hard for only one task. He could have done something else for that achievement, but it would just be wasting your lifetime. He had something to say “If you got some guts, use those guts.” Just after 3 months or so he was done with all the formalities, he was ready to go anywhere for working and enjoying his life. He enjoyed it so much that he actually felt like he is the king of the world. He went to his best friend’s house and told him and then his family joined him with his joy because he proved them wrong that he is the person who can make impossible things actually possible. That day wasn’t Diwali, but for Raman it was.


Raman thinks that everything you do is possible and if you put all your effort in that achievement you want to get. He believes that nothing is impossible if you give it all you got. Your life is very short so you better want to use it like Raman did in his life. Never back down even though you’re bad at it. What if you are really bad at studying can’t you devote more time n studying than fooling around doing nothing useful? Well that’s how it ended; he became a successful person in his life by following his heart.


3 opening para's

Hi there!!!!!!!!! Everybody like’s chocolate here don’t they? Well, if you do then get ready to lick your lip, because I am here to present to you how to make a Chocolate Pie vanilla ice-cream sundae. You’ll just be waiting for the end for the surprise in the speech. Just wait and watch what will happen to your tongue after this speech.




My speech will be about how to make a chocolate sundae? I chose this topic because I love food and particularly chocolate. So, here I am presenting to you my HOW TO Speech.




People you ever listen or saw a person giving a speech while they are working. Well, if you haven’t then your going to see me cooking while giving a speech today. Today you are going to enjoy a chocolate sundae actually made by me.   

Saturday, November 22, 2008

FinalDraft for Interview

Siddhant Talwar



The Struggle for a Career


It all started in 1981, November the 28th in Delhi the capital of the famous country of India. It was a festive day of light called Diwali. The festival when one of our gods came back from living in the forest after 14 years. They celebrated his come back with lights and crackers. Well, that day a boy named Raman woke up in the age of 17 and got scared because of the noise of those loud fireworks and crackers. Raman wanted to travel a lot of places around the globe. He couldn’t travel because of his financial limitations. The people at that time didn’t have that much freedom to travel so easily. They had to be the age of 20 to get a passport and travel at that time and now. He did not like that rule because it was useless of him to wait only for 2 more years, but the passion of traveling was their already.


This person was smart with his mind usage. He tried out to be in Foreign Service for India, so that he can travel anywhere in the world. He was a person who never backed down to what he had to reach. He was a person who determined for his goal even if his family would deny or refuse him to. If they did not want him to study in the house, he would by himself go to a park 5km away from his house only study and his parents would say “you’re waking up at the morning 5 o’clock just for that stupid thing of yours. I have been listening to his stories and I was so inspired from this person that I feel like doing the same. He studied and studied until the day came for him to put all those efforts in for the test or the qualification. He was nervous being the youngest person there. He told me people were actually way prepared than, he was and he would not even reach 800th place between 1000 people. There is this phrase I remember I think matches with this part. It is “FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE.” You may be wondering why I chose this phrase. This is because he was this type of person who always looked at his task and not anything else (not even his family). Look what his result was he was 4th between thousands and thousands of people. That’s what you get if you work that hard for only one task. He could have done something else for that achievement, but it would just be wasting your lifetime. He had something to say “If you got some guts, use those guts.” Just after 3 months or so he was done with all the formalities, he was ready to go anywhere for working and enjoying his life. He enjoyed it so much that he actually felt like he is the king of the world. He went to his best friend’s house and told him and then his family joined him with his joy because he proved them wrong that he is the person who can make impossible things actually possible. That day wasn’t Diwali, but for Raman it was.


Raman thinks that everything you do is possible and if you put all your effort in that achievement you want to get. He believes that nothing is impossible if you give it all you got. Your life is very short so you better want to use it like Raman did in his life. Never back down even though you’re bad at it. What if you are really bad at studying can’t you devote more time n studying than fooling around doing nothing useful? Well that’s how it ended; he became a successful person in his life by following his heart.



“Hewlett-Packard had a good year (2005), and it would have been better if not for the alleged "spying on board members" incident. While the media spent several weeks focusing on this incident, the original story was the recovery of HP.”

“Hewlett’s stock increased over 40% in the past year, giving the company a market cap of over $110, exceeding that of its rival Dell (another hardware company), whose market cap is almost was $57B. HP also passed Dell to become the number one PC maker, a title it held briefly in 2002 when Hewlett-Packard bought Compaq, before being passed by Dell the following year. The resurgence began with the April 2005 arrival of Mark Hurd, who replaced Carly Fiorina as CEO. (Fiorina left in early 2005 after the purchase of Compaq led to erratic results and poor stock performance. In hindsight, combining a lower margin maker of PCs with a higher margin maker of printers and the all important ink replacements did not make sense.)”

“The continuing reform implemented by Hurd has improved Hewlett-Packard’s results with both profits and margins increasing from 2005. The company’s fortress-like balance sheet has approximately $16 of cash on hand, $5.2 in debt and an operating cash flow of over $11. The company’s future looks promising, although intense competition in its markets is a challenge. The company retains a dominant position in printing, and has large market shares in PCs and desktops, servers, and services. Given its financial strength, HP could easily grow through acquisition, fund internal growth, or both.”

HPQ 1-yr chart

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It all started in 1981, November the 28th in Delhi the capital of the famous country of India. It was a festive day of light. The festival when one of our gods came back from living in the forest after 14 years. They celebrated his come back with lights and crackers. Well, that day a boy named Raman woke up in the age of 17 and got scared because of the noise of those loud fireworks and crackers. Raman wanted to travel a lot of places around the globe. He couldn’t travel because of his financial limitations. The people at that time didn’t have that much freedom to travel so easily. They had to be the age of 20 to get a passport and travel at that time and now. He did not like that rule because it was useless of him to wait only for 2 more years.

This person was smart with his mind usage. He tried out to be in Foreign service for India, so that he can travel anywhere in the world. He was a person who never backed down to what he had to reach. He was a person who determined for his goal even if his family would deny or refuse him to. If they did not want him to study in the house, he would by himself go to a park 5km away from his house only study and his parents would say “ your waking up at the morning 5’o’clock just for that stupid thing of yours. I have been listening to his stories and I was so inspired from this person that I feel like doing the same. He studied and studied until the day came for him to put all those efforts in for the test or the qualification. He was nervous being the youngest person their. He told me people were actually way prepared than, he was and he would not even reach 200 place between 300 people. There is this phrase I remember I think matches with this part. It is “FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE.” You may be wondering why I chose this phrase. This is, because he was the person who always looked at his task and not anything else (not even his family). Look what his result was he was 4rth between thousands and thousands of people. That’s what you get if you work that hard for only one task. He could have done something else for that achievement, but it would just be wasting your lifetime. He had something to say “If you got some guts, use those guts.” Just after 3 months or so he was done with all the formalities, he was ready to go anywhere for working and enjoying his life.

Raman thinks that everything you do is possible and if you put all your effort in that achievement you want to get. He believes that nothing is impossible if you give it all you got. Your life is very short so you better want to use it like Raman did in his life.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hewlett - Packard HP

William (Bill) Hewlett and David (Dave) Packard both graduated in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1935. Palo Alto, California (1939) was the place here it was founded. The partnership was formalized on, 1939 with an investment of US $538. [9] Hewlett and Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett. Packard won the coin toss but named their electronics manufacturing enterprise the "Hewlett-Packard Company". HP built-in August 8, 1947, and went public on November 6, 1957. The main products they were thinking to sell were hardware electronics like computers, laptops, printers, scanners and UPS’s and CPU’s.

HP experimented with using Digital Equipment Corporation minicomputers with its instruments, but after deciding that it would be easier to buy another small design team than deal with DEC, HP entered the computer market in 1966 with the HP 2100 / HP 1000 series of minicomputers. A simple accumulator-based design, with registers arranged somewhat similarly to the Intel x 86 architecture still used today, it was produced for 20 years, in spite of several attempts to replace it. It was a forerunner of the HP 9800 and HP 250 series of desktop and business computers. I totally dominated the electronic industry of hardware’s and had a huge with other companies involved with them.

Interview F1

It all started in 1981, November the 28th in Delhi the capital of the famous country of India. It was a festive day of light. The festival when one of our gods came back from living in the forest after 14 years. They celebrated his come back with lights and crackers. Well, that day a boy named Raman woke up in the age of 17 and got scared because of the noise of those loud fireworks and crackers. Raman wanted to travel a lot of places around the globe. He couldn’t travel because of his financial limitations. The people at that time didn’t have that much freedom to travel so easily. They had to be the age of 20 to get a passport and travel at that time and now. He did not like that rule because it was useless of him to wait only for 2 more years.

This person was smart with his mind usage. He tried out to be in the Embassy of India, so that he can travel anywhere in the world. He was a person who never backed down to what he had to reach. He was a person who determined for his goal even if his family would deny or refuse him to. If they did not want him to study in the house, he would by himself go to a park 5km away from his house only study and his parents would say “ your waking up at the morning 5’o’clock just for that stupid thing of yours. I have been listening to his stories and I was so inspired from this person that I feel like doing the same. He studied and studied until the day came for him to put all those efforts in for the test or the qualification. He was nervous being the youngest person their. He told me people were actually way prepared than, he was and he would not even be placed 200 between 300 people. There is this phrase I remember I think matches with this part. It is “FORTUNE FAVORS THE BRAVE.” You may be wondering why I chose this phrase. This is, because he was the person who always looked at his task and not anything else (not even his family). Look what his result was he was 4rth between 600-700 people. That’s what you get if you work that hard for only one task. He could have done something else for that achievement, but it would just be wasting your lifetime. He had something to say “If you got some guts, use those guts.” Just after 3 months or so he was done with all the formalities, he was ready to go anywhere for working and enjoying his life.

Raman thinks that everything you do is possible and if you put all your effort in that achievement you want to get. He believes that nothing is impossible if you give it all you got. Your life is very short so you better want to use it like Raman did in his life. HP

William (Bill) Hewlett and David (Dave) Packard both graduated in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1935. The partnership was formalized on, 1939 with an investment of US $538.[9] Hewlett and Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett. Packard won the coin toss but named their electronics manufacturing enterprise the "Hewlett-Packard Company". HP built-in August 8, 1947, and went public on November 6, 1957.