Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Activite 4 Pg. 37

Siddhant Talwar

Activite 4 Pg. 37

Ça, c’sest vous deux. Vous êtes horribles!

Voilà ça, c’est moi. Mais je suis fantastique! Et ça, c’est toi, Suzanne. Tu es superbe!

Regarde, ça, c’est Jean-Pierre et moi. Nous sommes splendides. Moi je suis extra! Jean-Pierre aussi. Il est genial, non?

Anne-Marie. Regarde les garcons. Ils sont extraordinaires.

Mais ça. Qui est-ce?

C’est Coralie et Roseline. Elles sont amusntes, non? Coralie tu le perroquet et Roseline tu le clown.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I think self-control means controlling your emotions, desires, or actions by your own will. For some people it is a big harm to their mentality and physicality. Well, this basically means to calm down, relax and be cool-minded. This mostly occurs when you are excited or angry at someone.
The places it occurs in are:
• Class
• The playground
• At your house

In class when we are singing songs, sometimes I get really excited with my friends and start talking with them. Or, when we are playing the tapping game I start talking with people because we stand in a line. Sometimes we start answering some questions and then I get hyper. There are many other reasons but these are the most popular reasons.

On the playground when we start playing I get really hyper because of people calling fouls which aren’t fouls. On the playground I also get into arguments with my friends and then in a basic not talking fight. Sometimes also start get angry and then during the game I shoulder push someone and then they keep calling it a foul but at the end I give the foul to them etc. Sometimes while playing if someone is angry at someone they might swear on that person or have some physical fights.

At my house when hyper I start listening songs and shouting them out while my parents get really annoyed. Sometimes when I feel like kicking my soccer ball I kick really hard and I accidentally break the window and then my parents scream at me. I think that when I feel very annoyed I bang something really hard and then my mom thinks that I got hard. Some teenage people also take drugs excessively and they need drugs to live and that harms their thinking and body. Sometimes I am playing a game on my PC and I lose temper I start screaming and as soon as I start
Screaming and then I need a pillow.

I think I need to improve my self-control mostly at my house and class.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Self Control

I think self-control means controlling your emotions, desires, or actions by your own will. Well, this basically means to calm down, relax and be cool-minded. This mostly occurs when you are excited or angry at someone.
The places it occurs in are:
• Class
• The playground
• At your house

In class when we are singing songs, sometimes I get really excited with my friends and start talking with them. Or, when we are playing the tapping game I start talking with people because we stand in a line. Sometimes we start answering some questions and then I get hyper. There are many other reasons but these are the most popular reasons.
On the playground when we star playing me get really hyper because of people calling fouls which aren’t fouls. On the playground I also get into arguments with my friends and then in a basic not talking fight. Sometimes also start get angry and then during the game I shoulder push someone and then they keep calling it a foul but at the end I give the foul to them etc.
At my house when hyper I start listening songs and shouting them out while my parents get really annoyed. Sometimes when I feel like kicking my soccer ball I kick really hard and I accidentally break the window and then my parents scream at me. I think that when I feel very annoyed I bang something really hard and then my mom thinks that I got hard. I think I need to improve my self-control mostly at my house and class.

Sorry Ms.Miller

Sunday, January 18, 2009

1.3 & F.U

A) Headline- “Old people outnumbering the teens in the U.S. by 15158000.

Sentence- “Many people like camping in the U.S. and including the olds because they had more people at the same age against the teens and the ratio was 41,808,000 to 26,650,000.


· Old people outnumbered the teens by a ratio of 41808000: 26650000

· The children were no match for the old people by 20504000 people.

· People who camp twice a year against the people who were camping 1st time had a ratio of 20103000 to 69659000.

· 23% of old people were camping the 2nd time.

· 25% of children were camping the 2nd time.


1. 28% of the people were traveling twice a year.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Final Draft of dream speech

Having Peace One Day


I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day. I have a dream that every citizen of this lovely world gets peace to enjoy its natural beauty. Hello, my name is Siddhant Talwar and today I am here to tell you about my dream. If you agree to follow and dream along with me this will help not only me but also you, you, you and you Mr.Friedmen yes you too! Today you are going to hear a number of topics which relate with peace one way or another. I want to be the one after Mr. Jeremy Gilley who started the project Peace One Day (POD). I know I cannot change a lot but I am sure We, I repeat, we can change the world in a bigger way. I’ll be talking about 3 main topics which are what the causes of not having peace are and then what my will is and last but not least how we can make a difference.



To turn my dream into reality, I deeply thought why we are not surrounded by peace, and, why very often we hear some news that, this unhappy incidence has taken place around us? There are a number of factors. In my first attempt, I felt that it is money, religion and power game among the different countries. Later, more efforts guided me that, no doubt, these three factors do contribute in dividing this world into different thoughts and religions. Today most of the countries are affected by acts of those people or groups who are not interested in peace. Violent actions of these people in the society are torturing every citizen of this universe. For instance, either it is Middle East or some Asian countries; we do watch on television that these parts of the world are always disturbed. We saw another instance of unmerciful activities of those terror activities, which attacked the Western World on 9/11, and later very recently in India when more than 150 innocent people were killed. I am sure their unmerciful and unpeaceful acts will not bring peace to the world.


I wish a world, which will become into existence ignoring all differences of countries and people. In my opinion, service to any religion is to respect all religions and love every human being and rather to every creation of Almighty. This will create a healthy environment around us. When we will be together in thoughts and direction, we will be in a better position to fight against natural disasters whether it is Tsunami or even a drought in Africa. In 2007 according to the UN over 100 million people were active on Peace Day, in 192 countries. There were life-saving initiatives in 14 countries and over 80 activities in Afghanistan along where 1.4 million children were vaccinated against polio. Our joint action has enabled us to fight against polio and such initiatives under UN Flag have disabled polio. This dream of mine will not only help one country but also the world as a whole. We can achieve this goal only by way of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date.

For achieving this goal of Peace One Day all of us should:-
· remain vigilant and use proper care at every place and moment;

· work for the community as a whole;

· develop strong social, religious and economic structure in every country;

· respect international rules for the development of every human being;

· to help those who are weak financially by way of donations;

· commit to international peace;

· be honest, be safe, be respectful and be responsible – 4 Bs.

· spread the word to the people who could not join us today.

And if you can’t do that, please do not fight at your house!

So, I hope you will help yourself and me in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on www.peaceoneday.org by donating some money to the orphans; spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace day will help us, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.

Thank you,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Having Peace One Day
I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day. I have a dream that every citizen of this lovely world gets peace to enjoy its natural beauty. Hello, my name is Siddhant Talwar and today I am here to tell you about my dream. If you agree to follow and dream along with me this will help not only me but also you, you, you and you Mr.Friedmen yes you too! Today you are going to hear a number of topics on peace in one way or the other. I want to be the one after Mr. Jeremy Gilley who started the project Peace One Day (POD). I know I cannot change a lot but I am sure We, I repeat, we can change the world in a bigger way. To turn my dream into reality, I deeply thought why we are not surrounded by peace, and, why very often we hear some news that this unhappy incidence has taken place around us? There are a number of factors. In my first attempt, I felt that it is money, religion and power game among the different countries. Later, more efforts guided me that, no doubt, these three factors do contribute in dividing this world into different thoughts and religions. These elements compel each country to adopt different ways to become financially stronger as compared to other countries or regions.

Today most of the countries are affected by acts of those people or groups who are not interested in peace. Violent actions of these people in the society are torturing every citizen of this universe. For instance, either it is Middle East or some Asian countries; we do watch on television that these parts of the world are always disturbed. We saw another instance of unpeaceful activities of those terror activities, which attacked the Western World on 9/11, and later very recently in India when more than 150 innocent people were killed. I am sure their unmerciful and unpeaceful acts will not bring peace to the world.
I wish a world, which will become into existence ignoring all differences of countries and people. In my opinion, service to any religion is to respect all religions and love every human being and rather to every creation of Almighty. This will create a healthy environment around us. This will bring good for everybody and development of every country. When we will be together in thoughts and direction, we will be in a better position to fight against natural disasters whether it is Tsunami or even a drought in Africa. In 2007 according to the UN over 100 million people were active on Peace Day, in 192 countries. There were life-saving initiatives in 14 countries and over 80 activities in Afghanistan along where 1.4 million children were vaccinated against polio. Our joint action has enabled us to fight against polio and such initiatives under UN Flag have disabled polio. This dream of mine has not only help one country but also the world as a whole. We can achieve this goal only by way of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date.

For achieving this goal of Peace One Day all of us should:-
· remain vigilant and use proper care at every place and moment;

· work for the community as a whole;

· develop strong social, religious and economic structure in every country;

· respect international rules for the development of every human being;

· to help those who are weak financially by way of donations;

· create international agencies and follow its rules to respect each government;

· commit to international peace;

· be honest, be safe, be respectful and be responsible – 4 Bs.

· spread the word to the people who could not join us today.

And if you can’t do that, please do not fight at your house!

So, I hope you will help yourself and me in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on www.peaceoneday.org by donating some money to the orphans; spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace day will help us, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.
Thank you,


Having Peace One Day




I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day.  I have a dream that every citizen of this lovely world gets peace to enjoy its natural beauty. Hello, my name is Siddhant Talwar and today I am here to tell you about my dream.  If you agree to follow and dream along with me this will help not only me but also you, you too Madam and perhaps all of us!  Today you are going to hear a number of topics on peace in one way or the other.  I want to be the one after Mr. Jeremy Gilley who started the project Peace One Day (POD).  I know I cannot change a lot but I am sure We, I repeat, we can change the world in a bigger way.  To turn my dream into reality, I deeply thought why we are not surrounded by peace, and, why very often we hear some news that this unhappy incidence has taken place around us?  There are a number of factors.  In my first attempt, I felt that it is money, religion and power game among the different countries.  Later, more efforts guided me that, no doubt, these three factors do contribute in dividing this world into different thoughts and religions.  These elements compel each country to adopt different ways to become financially stronger as compared to other countries or regions.


Main Body:  


          Today most of the countries are affected by acts of those elements or groups who are not interested in peace.  Violent actions of these elements in the society are torturing every citizen of this universe.  For instance, either it be Middle-east or some Asian countries, we do watch on television that these parts of the world are always disturbed.  We saw another instance of unpeaceful activities of those terror activities which attacked the Western World on 9/11 and later very recently in India when more than 150 innocent people were killed.  I am sure their unmerciful and unlawful acts will not bring peace to the world. 



I wish a world which will be coming into existence ignoring all differences whether it is financial or otherwise. In my opinion, service to any religion is to respect all religions and love every human being and rather to every creation of Almighty.  This will create a healthy environment around us. This will bring good for every body and development of every country.  When we will be together in thoughts and direction, we will be in a better position to fight against natural disasters whether it is Tsunami on Eastern borders of the universe or some drought in Africa.  In 2007 according to the UN over 100 million people were active on Peace Day, in 192 countries.  There were life-saving initiatives in 14 countries and over 80 activities in Afghanistan along where 1.4 million children were vaccinated against polio. Our joint action has enabled us to fight against polio and such initiatives under UN Flag have disabled polio.  This dream of mine has not only help one country but the world as a whole. We can achieve this goal only by way of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date. 





For achieving this goal of Peace One Day all of us should:-


·        remain vigilant and use proper care at every place and moment;

·        work for the community as a whole;

·        develop strong social, religious and economic structure in every country;

·        respect international rules  for the development of every human being;

·        to help those who are weak financially by way of donations;

·        create international agencies and follow its rules to respect each government;

·        commit to international peace;

·        Be honest, be safe, be respectful and be responsible – 4 Bs.

·        Spread the word to the people who could not join us today.


And if you can’t do that, please do not fight at your house!





So, I hope you will help me and yourself in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on www.peaceoneday.org by donating some money to the orphans; spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace day will help us, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.


Thank you,









TT serves

§                     Allowing the ball to bounce on one's own side twice

§                     Double hitting the ball. Note that the hand below the wrist is considered part of the racket and making a good return off one's hand or fingers on the racket-holding hand is allowed, but hitting one's hand or fingers and subsequently hitting the racket is a double strike and an error.

§                     Allowing the ball to strike anything other than the racket (see above for definition of the racket)

§                     Causing the ball not to bounce on the opponent's half (i.e., not making a "good" return)

§                     Placing one's free hand on the playing surface or moving the playing surface

§                     Offering and failing to make a good serve (i.e., making a service toss and failing to strike the ball fairly into play)

§                     Making an illegal serve: (e.g., one preceded by a player's hiding the ball or his failing to toss the ball at least 16 centimetres (six inches) in the air).

§                     Hitting the net with racket or any body part.

§                     By volleying the ball (not allowing the ball to bounce on your side)

Monday, January 12, 2009

DS speech 1st draft



I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day. I have a dream that every citizen in this world gets peace one day. I have a dream our world gets peace one day. Hello, today I am here to tell you about my dream. This will help me, you, you, you, you, you and our lovely world. All these topics you will here today somewhere anytime they will lead to PEACE. This has already been attempted, but I still don’t think the whole world is getting affected by      Mr. Gilley’s attempt, but his contribution to this great idea. I am a step to these hopes of Mr. Gilley. Though I can’t change much but we in this school can change a lot in this country of citizens crawling in the streets of this country called Bangladesh. I want to be the one after Jeremy Gilley who stared the project Peace One Day. And every person sitting on a chair over here listen to me because we can make a big difference in Bangladesh which would help us reach get to having POD. I hope you do cooperate with me. First I will be talking about how the world is not in peace in the recent days. Then I’ll be talking about how Mr.Gilley the founder of POD affected this world. And what I and you can do together.








So, I hope you will help me and Mr. Gilley in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on www.peaceoneday.org by donating some money to the orphans, spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us and at least maintain peace at your house. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace help yourself, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.


Thank you,