Monday, January 12, 2009

DS speech 1st draft



I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day. I have a dream that every citizen in this world gets peace one day. I have a dream our world gets peace one day. Hello, today I am here to tell you about my dream. This will help me, you, you, you, you, you and our lovely world. All these topics you will here today somewhere anytime they will lead to PEACE. This has already been attempted, but I still don’t think the whole world is getting affected by      Mr. Gilley’s attempt, but his contribution to this great idea. I am a step to these hopes of Mr. Gilley. Though I can’t change much but we in this school can change a lot in this country of citizens crawling in the streets of this country called Bangladesh. I want to be the one after Jeremy Gilley who stared the project Peace One Day. And every person sitting on a chair over here listen to me because we can make a big difference in Bangladesh which would help us reach get to having POD. I hope you do cooperate with me. First I will be talking about how the world is not in peace in the recent days. Then I’ll be talking about how Mr.Gilley the founder of POD affected this world. And what I and you can do together.








So, I hope you will help me and Mr. Gilley in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on by donating some money to the orphans, spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us and at least maintain peace at your house. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace help yourself, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.


Thank you,


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