Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Having Peace One Day




I have a dream that all the members who are sitting here get peace one day.  I have a dream that every citizen of this lovely world gets peace to enjoy its natural beauty. Hello, my name is Siddhant Talwar and today I am here to tell you about my dream.  If you agree to follow and dream along with me this will help not only me but also you, you too Madam and perhaps all of us!  Today you are going to hear a number of topics on peace in one way or the other.  I want to be the one after Mr. Jeremy Gilley who started the project Peace One Day (POD).  I know I cannot change a lot but I am sure We, I repeat, we can change the world in a bigger way.  To turn my dream into reality, I deeply thought why we are not surrounded by peace, and, why very often we hear some news that this unhappy incidence has taken place around us?  There are a number of factors.  In my first attempt, I felt that it is money, religion and power game among the different countries.  Later, more efforts guided me that, no doubt, these three factors do contribute in dividing this world into different thoughts and religions.  These elements compel each country to adopt different ways to become financially stronger as compared to other countries or regions.


Main Body:  


          Today most of the countries are affected by acts of those elements or groups who are not interested in peace.  Violent actions of these elements in the society are torturing every citizen of this universe.  For instance, either it be Middle-east or some Asian countries, we do watch on television that these parts of the world are always disturbed.  We saw another instance of unpeaceful activities of those terror activities which attacked the Western World on 9/11 and later very recently in India when more than 150 innocent people were killed.  I am sure their unmerciful and unlawful acts will not bring peace to the world. 



I wish a world which will be coming into existence ignoring all differences whether it is financial or otherwise. In my opinion, service to any religion is to respect all religions and love every human being and rather to every creation of Almighty.  This will create a healthy environment around us. This will bring good for every body and development of every country.  When we will be together in thoughts and direction, we will be in a better position to fight against natural disasters whether it is Tsunami on Eastern borders of the universe or some drought in Africa.  In 2007 according to the UN over 100 million people were active on Peace Day, in 192 countries.  There were life-saving initiatives in 14 countries and over 80 activities in Afghanistan along where 1.4 million children were vaccinated against polio. Our joint action has enabled us to fight against polio and such initiatives under UN Flag have disabled polio.  This dream of mine has not only help one country but the world as a whole. We can achieve this goal only by way of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date. 





For achieving this goal of Peace One Day all of us should:-


·        remain vigilant and use proper care at every place and moment;

·        work for the community as a whole;

·        develop strong social, religious and economic structure in every country;

·        respect international rules  for the development of every human being;

·        to help those who are weak financially by way of donations;

·        create international agencies and follow its rules to respect each government;

·        commit to international peace;

·        Be honest, be safe, be respectful and be responsible – 4 Bs.

·        Spread the word to the people who could not join us today.


And if you can’t do that, please do not fight at your house!





So, I hope you will help me and yourself in our dreams. Remember you can make a difference in this world by the ideas I gave you moments ago. You can help us by going on www.peaceoneday.org by donating some money to the orphans; spread the word to others who couldn’t join this day with us. Never forget 21st September 2009 next peace day will help us, help the world, help peace one day become a reality.


Thank you,









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