Sunday, January 18, 2009

1.3 & F.U

A) Headline- “Old people outnumbering the teens in the U.S. by 15158000.

Sentence- “Many people like camping in the U.S. and including the olds because they had more people at the same age against the teens and the ratio was 41,808,000 to 26,650,000.


· Old people outnumbered the teens by a ratio of 41808000: 26650000

· The children were no match for the old people by 20504000 people.

· People who camp twice a year against the people who were camping 1st time had a ratio of 20103000 to 69659000.

· 23% of old people were camping the 2nd time.

· 25% of children were camping the 2nd time.


1. 28% of the people were traveling twice a year.

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